Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Humpty Dumpty Lesson

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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
couldn’t put Humpty together again

Cute child’s nursery rhyme, eh? But why was Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall? Why did he fall? And why were King’s horses trying to put him together again? Think about that...horses.

Humpty sitting on a wall makes me think of complacency. He was sitting there wasting time. Maybe he was looking at the clouds move. Could there have been children playing nearby? Makes sense since it’s a nursery rhyme. Maybe he was watching horses gallop. (They were close enough to try to put him back together, so they must have been in the area.) 

Obviously at some point he started messing around if he fell off the wall. Anybody who is just sitting isn’t likely to lose their balance and fall. Maybe he thought he’d do his gymnastics impression.


So what was he doing that caused him to lose focus?

He not only lost focus while sitting on the wall, he lost focus before he got to the wall. Maybe he wasn’t complacent, but had ADD and separated (get it? because he’s an egg?!) from the King’s horses and men and got himself into trouble. “Hey, everybody! Watch me balance on the wall!” 

He didn’t know his limits. Not good when you’re a fragile egg. Everybody knows it’s hard for an egg to balance! Hello, Humpty!

So ALL the King’s horses and ALL the King’s men tried to put him together. 

My first question: what can a horse possibly do to put an egg together? I’m not sure that question will ever be answered.

But the King’s men...what did they think they were doing? Have you ever dropped an egg? Pretty much impossible to put back together. 

So these men, commissioned to protect and serve the King, wasted their time trying to do something that was pointless. I hope there weren’t enemies in the area or the King would have been completely unprotected.

How many men were distracted by this task? How long did they waste doing something that took them from their calling? And just exactly how many were standing around watching? Because there couldn’t have been room for all the men and horses to crowd around ole Hum Dum. (Yes, I just went rapper on ya.)

At what point did they say, “Sorry, Humpty, you’re a lost cause,” and walk away leaving Humpty to fry on the concrete in the sun?

How about you? Are you spending your time on a worthless cause? Are you wasting time pursuing something that doesn’t matter and can’t be fixed?

Are you useless to the Kingdom because you’re distracted by playing on the wall? If so, you WILL fall. 

Oh, so many questions to contemplate. Let’s contemplate the right ones so we’re focused on what really matters and not be distracted by the pointless pursuits.

OK, who’s next? Mary and her little lamb?

Are you feeling a little like Humpty Dumpty? Broken and think you're beyond repair? You're not. While the King's horses and King's men would obviously be helpless to put you back together, the King Himself can! I know, because He's done it for me. Don't forget to ask Jesus to do it for you, too!

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