Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello, Old Friend

It's been awhile since I've posted; a lot has happened.

We started regularly attending the church I mentioned in the previous post, Crossfire Church in Cedar Springs. In June I become the Office Manager and Personal Assistant to the senior pastors, Keith and Judy Hemmila. I am LOVING it!

I work two days a week and get to use many of the gifts and skills that energize me. There probably aren't a lot of people who like to stand at a copy machine, but I find it exciting. And the more pages to a project, the better!

I put together the weekly bulletin, which is a blast. I've been able to revamp the look of it and have gotten many compliments on it. My favorite was from a friend who said it looks "professional". My husband said, "That's what you're all about, professional."

I created a brochure for the men's retreat taking place the end of this month. I especially took pride in the idea I had for the registration return. Brown box with duct tape! Manly, eh?!

I set up a master church calendar so we always know what's going on and where. Well, in theory this works, but it's the getting everybody else to communicate their events that's the hard part. They're not used to having things so centralized.

I've written letters, meeting agendas, meeting schedules, and other various notes.

And I've become queen of the sign-up sheet!

My next major project is to learn the computer system for doing attendance, then I'll be doing that each week as well.

I keep our website updated with news, events and the pastors' blog, although I'd like to get with our website overseer and get the colors changed on it. I think at least it should be flip-flopped. Seems a little dark to me.

I'm also waiting for the right time to ask Pastor for a Facebook page. I've got one set up and use it as if it were live, but it's yet unpublished. This is frustrating to someone who understands social media and our need to be on it. But patience...we'll get there!

All this and so much more! I know it won't be long and my two days (volunteer status at the moment) will turn into more days (and some cash).

So while I'm busier than I was a few months ago, it is my goal to get back to some blogging. I miss writing for the fun and creativity of it, although brochures and bulletins do help fill the need...just a little!

So what's new and good with you?

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